With a wealth of birth center, parenting, and life experience to share, we are delighted to bring you this interview with Kayla. From the benefits of a multi-generational support system to her thoughts on advocating for Black mothers and families, Kayla has much to bring to the table.
Archives for February 2021
A Call to Make a Difference for Black Mothers: Part 2
I have worked in healthcare for 25 years. I know my rights as a patient, and I am not a docile person. In my mind I wondered how many times this happened to other women. If I was treated that way and I worked in health care, what then of the women who didn’t?
A Call to Make a Difference for Black Mothers: Part 1
The midwifery model of care certainly offers a more rounded and whole approach to the needs and care of women in pregnancy. However, is it enough to address the gaps that exist in pregnancy outcomes related to ethnicity?
Meet The Woman Who “Failed” To Give Birth Naturally: Part 7
Riding in the back of a rickety ambulance while mostly naked, feverish, still having contractions–it was an agonizingly slow 30 minutes. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything in my life more than to be out of that ambulance. . .