We really believe it:
Moms and dads matter.
Better Scheduling Options & Accessibility
We help you save those vacation and sick days for after the baby comes by providing prenatal care options and childbirth education classes that include evening hours. We’ll also spend quality time talking through options for testing, birth plans, newborn care and breastfeeding. We believe informed parents are great clients. We encourage questions and enjoy finding out what your best birth looks like to you. Call us at 540-482-0505 to set up your tour of the birth center.
Family-Centered Care
Sometimes you just can’t find a babysitter. When that happens, feel free to bring the kids or reschedule your appointment to a time that suits you better. Brothers and sisters are included as part of the experience of welcoming a new baby into the family. It’s your choice as to how much or how little you want your children and other family members to participate. This is why a birth center is a great choice for families.
Empowerment of Parents
New Life Birth Center believes fathers are as important as mothers in the life of this new baby. We empower mothers and fathers to make decisions for their families. We include fathers as much or as little as they want with prenatal visits, labor and birth, postpartum, and newborn visits. We understand that in many families the father is the breadwinner, and we try to work around work schedules for those who want to participate. That’s why a birth center is a favorable option for many.
Support in Your Best Birth
Whether it’s eating in labor, intermittent monitoring, delayed cord clamping, a water birth, being able to catch the baby, or some other option, you plan your birth. We try to provide the best evidence and information for you to be able to make the right decisions for your family. We work to keep your pregnancy low risk. We work with physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others if you need specialized attention. This is why a birth center is preferable for many families.

“We loved our birth experience at the center and can’t say enough about Karen and her team. Her care is evident through her work. Thank you for such a positive experience.”
-Krista H.